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Participation in the "PLAS" Forum

Participation in the "PLAS" Forum

The "Fintech, Banks, and Retail Transformation and Interaction" PLAS Forum in Uzbekistan has successfully concluded, attracting participants from government institutions, the banking sector, and retail industry. Our company proudly took an active part in this important event, showcasing our innovative pre-banknote ATM solution - the APP PRO PLUS Recycler, capable of significantly transforming interactions between banks, customers, and retailers.

We strongly believe in the necessity of transforming the banking sector and aim to provide the market with cutting-edge technologies that can bring revolutionary changes to the relationships between clients and financial institutions. Our solution represents an entirely new approach to banking operations, offering a range of advantages that will be crucial for the successful transformation of the industry.

One of the most significant characteristics of our solution is its cost-effectiveness. Through cost optimization and the use of innovative technologies, we have managed to reduce servicing expenses, enabling banks to operate more efficiently and offer better conditions to their customers.

The compact size of our APP PRO PLUS Recycler opens up new possibilities for its placement. Banks can now actively occupy locations close to their customers, providing convenience of use and reducing distances for transactions. This will significantly expand the network of banking points and ensure accessibility of services for a larger number of people.

Special attention has been devoted to optimizing cash in/cash out transactions. Our kiosk simplifies the process of cash withdrawal and deposit, fostering a more comfortable and secure environment for customers and enhancing the appeal of using banking services.

We are delighted to have presented our innovative development at the PLAS Forum and are eager to share our experience with other market participants. Our company is committed to continuing research and development aimed at improving and optimizing banking services for all our clients.

With confidence, we keep pace with the development of the financial world, and our solution is just one of the steps towards a more advanced and innovative future for the banking industry. We extend our gratitude to the organizers for the opportunity to participate in this significant event and to our partners for their support and collaboration in creating the best financial solutions for everyone.

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